521 Sales

"gonna make it baby if we try"

521 is a sales rep company that's first priority is, and always has been supporting independent retailers. For more than 2 decades, I've worked with some the most extraordinary shops in the smoke and lifestyle industry - helping secure the hottest trends, best brands and deals.

Shopping in your store should be an event, in an age of button pushing on our phones and tablets, 521 Sales knows that your store offers much more... it offers an experience. And so should your buying.

Real live salespeople that want to get to know you and your store, that care more about the overall picture than the bottle of jug in that one case. Salespeople that answer the phone, return your calls and emails in a timely manner and understand your needs.

Finding the right vendors that make your experience profitable and enjoyable is 521's mission, that's why we strive to find a great mix of smoking accessories, gifts, clothing, jewelry and novelties.

No strings attached, no added costs, just a genuine desire to make your life a little easier, let 521 Sales do the heavy lifting for you.

1976 Everywhere Rd, Anywhere US
(517) 996-2013

Copyright © 2018 521 Sales - All Rights Reserved.